I know that there are a lot of people out there who are lost, or have nowhere else to go. Some of them were abandoned by their families and loved ones for whatever reason; others may just be hurting because of some broken relationships, and now they don't know what to do or where to go next; some may just be experiencing a dire financial crisis - maybe they just lost their jobs,or their means of livelihood, and now they don't know where to get the next mortgage; some maybe be burdened with all sorts of problems, maybe physical or emotional, one after the other, and they could hardly cope up with life's problems. Or some may just be hurting and losing hope because of the pain of some debilitating sickness or disease that has afflicted them. And some others may just be trying to find some answers to the many questions of life.What am I here for? What is the meaning of my existence? Why do I have to constantly suffer? Is there an end to my suffering? These and some similar questions are constantly asked by people today. They need some answers. They need someone whom they can ran to and share their burdens. They need someone who can listen to them and help them cope up with life's challenges.
If you are someone out there who is in this or similar situation, I want you to know that you have a friend out here who is ready to listen to you. I may not be able to answer all your queries, or solve all your problems, but I would like to tell you that I am ready to listen to you, and to share with you your burdens and difficulties. I want you to know that you are not alone. You can count on me as your friend and brother. I am not here to judge you, or imposed anything against you. I am here to help and assist you, if you let me. Yes, all of us have our own problems, trials, and challenges in life. But if we stay together and help one another carry each other's burdens, some things will become lighter. Do you remember the song, "it's not heavy, he's my brother?"
I call this site, our site, "Comfort Zone." It's a place where you can hang out with me, share your problems, burdens, trials, difficulties, and anything that are occupying your mind and your heart right now. Let's help and tread this world together. As I said earlier, you are not alone in this. I am your friend who is ready to listen to you always. You can count on me in everything. I promise I will not let you down.
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